Exhaust Header Lengths


Exhaust Header Length

                                                 This Header Length chart is just for use with the specified 3W muffler.



EngineHeader Length3W Muffler
3w 24i, 28i, 48iB2, 56iB27 - 7.5 inchS 30
3w 42i, 50i, 85ib2, 100i, 112iB47 - 7.9 inchM 50
3w 55i, 55Xi, 60i, 70i, 106i, 110iB2F, 120B2, 120iB2, 140iB27 - 7.9 inchM 55 / L 70 / L 70K
3w 75i, 80xi, 150iB2F, 157xiB2Fi, 212iB4, 220iB47 - 7.5 inchL 80 / L 80K / LV 80 / LV 80K
3w 85xi, 170xi7 - 7.5 inchL 90 / L 90K / LV 90 / LV 90K
3w 200i / 210xi / 240iB2 / 275xiB27.9 - 8.7 inchXL 150
3w 342iB2 / 684iB49 - 10.25 inchXXL 180